How To Protect Cabinets From Dishwasher Steam?

Author: Jenny J Brown
January 4, 2023

How often do you clean your kitchen appliances? If you don't clean them regularly, they won't last long. The good news is that cleaning your dishes after every meal is easy. And with the right tools, you'll save time and energy.

Kitchen cabinets are an essential part of the kitchen. So, keeping them clean and well-protected is a must for us. The dishwasher is the main enemy of cabinets; they harm the cabinets in many ways; that's why we need to know how to protect cabinets from dishwasher steam. In this article, we are gonna discuss all of that. So, dig into know the ways.

How to Protect Cabinets from Dishwasher Steam?

Most homeowners use moisture deflectors to prevent hot moisture from entering the kitchen. But some dishwashers come with aluminum foil (which works like a metal taping), which you can use to cover the vent ductwork and protect the wood or laminated surfaces of your cabinets and counters. Here are some more ways to protect your cabinets:

1. Adhesive Sheets

Adhesive sheets are one of the most popular types of contact paper used today. They come in different sizes and shapes and are usually applied over walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, furniture, etc. These sheets are very easy to use and apply. You simply peel off the backing and stick it onto the surface you want to protect. Once done, cover the sheet with another material, such as plastic wrap or foil. This way, you prevent dust particles and other contaminants from getting into the protected area. This can be the best way to protect your cabinets.

2. Invest in A Dishwasher That Has a Gasket

If you want to keep your kitchen clean and tidy, you'll need to invest in a dishwasher that prevents water damage. Unfortunately, many people don't realize dishwashers aren't always built to prevent leaks. There are several different types of leaky dishwashers out there, and you might even find one that doesn't require a gasket or foil. But if you decide to purchase a product that requires a gasket or foil, ensure it fits properly. You could spend a lot of money on repairs if you don't take care of the issue before it becomes too late.

3. Melamine Lamination

Melamine laminates are a type of synthetic waterproofing that is applied to certain types of furniture. This product is typically found on kitchen cabinetry and countertops. It is usually manufactured from pressed wood chips mixed with melamine resin and molded into sheets. This process creates a strong, durable surface resistant to scratches and stains.

The lamination process allows for a smooth, glossy appearance while protecting against moisture penetration. Because it is a synthetic product, it does not require painting like real wood. However, it does require some maintenance. You must wipe down the surface regularly to prevent dirt buildup and keep the surface looking clean.

4. Installing A Dishwasher Correctly

The way a dishwasher is mounted affects how much steam builds up during use. A dishwasher that is installed too low or too close to the sink can cause problems like water leaks and mold growth.

A dishwasher located too far away from the kitchen countertop might not provide enough room for steam to escape. In addition, if there isn't enough clearance around the appliance, steam could build up behind the unit and potentially leak into the home.

If you are installing a dishwasher under the sink, make sure the dishwasher is not installed too deeply within the cabinet. Dishwashers installed too deep can lead to water leaking from the bottom of the cabinet.

Also, ensure the dishwashing machine is not installed directly next to the wall. If there is no gap between the dishwasher and the wall, moisture can accumulate and eventually drip down onto the floor.

Finally, ensure the dishwashing machine is not placed too close to the wall. This can limit the airflow in the area, causing condensation on the walls and ceiling.

How Much Clearance Does a Dishwasher Need to Prevent Steam Damage?

While there are several ways to prevent damage caused by dishwasher steam, the most effective one is to place the machine in the perfect location. A good rule of thumb is to ensure the dishwasher is placed no closer than 3 feet to the edge of the sink. Check with your local hardware store if you're unsure about the distance.

There should be at least 27 inches of free space in front and behind the dishwasher's door to ensure that steam doesn't bounce back into the house. And don't forget to keep a ½-to 1-inch gap between the top of the dishwasher and the bottom of the countertop.

If you're still worried about steam damage, consider investing in a steam deflector. These devices help push water vapor away from the walls and floors. They come in different shapes and sizes, including round ones that fit over the entire dishwasher opening.


We hope we have answered your question. We have explained some common causes of dishwasher steam damage as well as the best methods to avoid them. The truth is that dishwasher steam is often unavoidable, but it doesn't have to be a disaster. The next time you see steam in the cabinet, try those methods.

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