How Long To Cook Salmon In Air Fryer?

Author: Jenny J Brown
January 4, 2023

Air frying has become very popular these days due to its convenience and effectiveness. Nowadays, you can get fresh seafood from supermarkets or local restaurants without going outdoors. Air frying lets you enjoy delicious food within minutes after purchase, which makes it great for busy lifestyles. Air frying also allows you to prepare healthier foods that would otherwise take too much time and effort.

Cooking salmon in the air fryer will save a lot of money. Cooking salmon in the air fryer will surely is easy; however, you need to keep a close eye on the timing. Salmon needs just 10 minutes to be perfectly done and make your tummy happy. Here learn more about How Long to Cook Salmon in Air Fryer?

Cooking Time for Salmon in an Air Fryer

Salmon is a delicious and nutritious fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and essential vitamins. It's a versatile ingredient that can be prepared in numerous ways. One of the most popular methods today is using an air fryer. This innovative kitchen appliance uses hot air circulation to cook food evenly and quickly with less oil, making it a healthier alternative to traditional frying methods.

But how long does it take to cook salmon in an air fryer? Let's delve into this topic and provide you with all the necessary information for preparing perfectly cooked salmon using this method.
The cooking time for salmon in an air fryer largely depends on the thickness of your fillet. However, as a general rule of thumb, most recipes suggest that you should cook salmon at 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius) for about 7-10 minutes.

For thinner fillets that are around half-inch thick, seven minutes should suffice. For thicker pieces measuring one inch or more, you might need up to ten minutes or slightly longer. Remember that every air fryer model is different; hence cooking times may vary slightly.

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Steps To Cook Salmon In An Air Fryer

1. Preheat your air fryer: Before placing your salmon inside the machine, preheat your air fryer at 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius) for about three minutes.

2. Prepare your salmon: While waiting for the device to heat up, season your fish according to preference – salt and pepper are always good starting points but feel free also add herbs like dill or spices like paprika if desired.

3. Place it skin-side down:
Once seasoned appropriately place the fillet skin-side down into the basket of your preheated air-fryer ensuring there’s enough space between each piece if cooking more than one.

4. Set the timer:
Now, set your air fryer's timer according to the thickness of your salmon fillet. Remember, 7-10 minutes is a good range to start with.

5. Check for doneness: After the time is up, check if your salmon is done by inserting a fork or knife into the thickest part of the fillet. If it flakes easily and has turned opaque, it's ready.

6. Let it rest: Once cooked to perfection, remove from air fryer and let it rest for a couple of minutes before serving.

How Long to Cook Salmon in Air Fryer?

To make this sauce, combine the garlic, mustard, brown sugar, oil, and thyme in a small bowl and whisk until combined. On top of the salmon, spread the garlic mixture over the surface. The second step is to arrange the salmon in an air-fryer basket and place it in the air-fryer. After about 10 minutes of cooking at 400 degrees, the meat will be done to the desired degree of doneness. Remove the salmon from the air fryer and serve immediately with the remaining sauce.

Is There A Different Way To Prep Salmon For The Air Fryer?

Yes, there are many options for preparing salmon for the air fryer. One option is to put the salmon in cold water first and let it sit for 30-45 minutes. This allows any residual blood to seep out of the fillet and makes it easier to cut when you eventually fry it. Another similar option is putting the salmon in ice water before placing it in the air fry. Also, cutting up the fish is easy because all you need to do is just slice by slice. When I am cooking for myself, I tend to cut the fish into six pieces and season them before they go into the air fryer. But if you prefer to serve it whole, feel free to do so. Just remember to leave it in the oven for 5 – 10 minutes to heat up the interior of the fillets after you turn off the oven.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Flip Salmon in Air Fryer?

Salmon should be cooked skin-side down in the air fryer without flipping the skin side. To ensure that it is cooked correctly, it should be cooked skin-side down. A trick to make salmon in an air fryer that we have found to be successful is drizzling olive oil over the salmon before it goes into the air fryer. We have found that this is one of the keys to perfecting salmon in an air fryer. The outside will become crispy and blackened-like if you do this, so do not skip it if you can help it.

Should Salmon Be Baked At 350 Degrees Or 400 Degrees?

If you want to get crisp skin on your salmon, you need to bake it at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the perfect temperature. It is also possible to bake salmon at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 20-25 minutes or until it is cooked through if you would like a gentler method of cooking salmon.

How Long Does Thawed Salmon Take in The Air Fryer?

For 7 to 9 minutes, air fry the meat at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. A fish's thickness and the type of appliance you use will determine how long it takes to cook. For medium-rare, I cooked it for 7 minutes, and for medium, I cooked it for 8 minutes. To test the doneness of the salmon, insert a knife into the center to see how deeply it pierces the flesh. If the blade comes out clean, then it’s ready. To speed up cooking time, you can add some water to the bottom of the pan to create steam.

What Temperature Should I Cook My Salmon On In The Air Fryer?

As soon as the salmon has been seasoned, place it in the air fryer basket and cook it for 10-12 minutes at 380 degrees Fahrenheit with a cooking time of 10-12 minutes. You can check the doneness of the dish using a fork to ensure it is done. The thickest part of the salmon should be 145 degrees Fahrenheit, and it should flake easily when cooked.


Salmon is great if you want an extra healthy protein source. The air fryer makes it easy to prepare and eat. The air fryer can cook salmon perfectly, but you must ensure that you follow the right steps. I hope this article has helped you understand cooking time. You won't face any trouble the next time you want to cook salmon at home.

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