How To Store Oil After Frying

Author: Jenny J. Brown
March 15, 2023

How often do you fry food at home? If you’re anything like me, you probably don’t give much thought to storing leftover oil once it has cooled down. After all, who wants to waste half a cup of oil?

Oil is a vital ingredient in cooking, and it’s also essential for our health. Unfortunately, it’s also extremely flammable. That means you should always be careful when handling oil.

There are several ways to store oil. One way is to put it in a glass container. Another method is to pour it into a plastic bottle. There are other methods too. Read this article to learn about the best storage options.

Keeping the Oils You Store Fresh Longer

Most oils are best stored in dark glass bottles. But you don’t want to store them in the fridge because it could cause them to go rancid faster. Instead, keep them in a cool place like the pantry or garage. If you put them in the refrigerator, use a bottle with a tight lid. This way, you won’t have to worry about losing precious drops of oil.

If you store your oils longer than a few weeks, you might consider purchasing a bottle with a dropper cap. These types of caps allow you to easily add small amounts of oil to your food without having to open up the bottle. They’re especially helpful if you’re making salad dressing or cooking with extra virgin olive oil.

1. Storing oil in the dark

Oil needs light to spoil quickly, so keep it out of the sun and store it in a cool, dark place. If you don’t know where to put it, use a plastic container with a tight lid. Don’t forget to label it.

2. Be cool

Don’t store your oils in the fridge. It will cause them to go rancid faster. Keep them in a cool, dry area instead.

3. Use a dropper

You can buy a bottle that has a dropper on top for this purpose. The dropper allows you to add just a little oil at once.

4. Label it

Label your containers clearly. Ensure you include the oil’s name and how long you’ve kept it.

5. Check it regularly

Check your oils every month or two. That way, you’ll be able to see when they’re going bad.

6. Throw away old oil

Once your oil starts smelling funny, throw it out. It’s not worth eating.

How long has it been?

When buying food products, you always ask yourself how old they are. You want to make sure you’re getting what you pay for. But there’s another important factor to consider expiration dates.

Expiration dates are set by law, and they help keep our food safe. They tell us when we can eat something without risking illness. And while some foods don’t need an expiration date, others expire much sooner than you’d think.


In conclusion, storing leftover oil from cooking isn’t difficult if you follow these steps. First, pour any excess oil into a container to use again. Then, place the container in the refrigerator until solidified. Finally, remove the hardened oil from the container and transfer it to a glass jar. This will ensure that your oil doesn’t go bad before you have a chance to use it.

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