11 Best Air Fryer Batch Cooking Tips

Author: Jenny J. Brown
June 16, 2023

Are you tired of cooking individual meals night after night? Do you want to save time in the kitchen while enjoying delicious meals? Look no further than batch cooking with your air fryer.

Air fryers are a great tool for batch cooking because they cook quickly and evenly and can handle a variety of foods. And with some planning and preparation, you can have healthy meals ready for days to come.

In this article, I’ll share my top tips for batch cooking with your air fryer, from selecting the right recipes to maximizing your cooking time and storage. With these tips, you can streamline your meal prep and enjoy flavorful meals without spending hours in the kitchen.

Here are the 10 Best Air Fryer Batch Cooking Tips

1. Make Sure Your Air Fryer

Air fryers are an incredibly popular kitchen appliance and for good reason. They offer a quick, easy way to cook food with minimal oil. But before you start batch cooking in your air fryer, it’s important to ensure you have the right one.

When shopping for an air fryer, there are several factors to consider. First, think about how much food you’ll be cooking at once. You’ll need a larger air fryer if you plan to batch-cook several meals. You’ll also want to consider its features, settings, and overall size and shape.

2. Choose Recipes That Can Be Batch-Cooked

The recipes you choose will make all the difference regarding batch cooking with an air fryer. Opt for recipes that can be cooked in large batches, like stir-fries and roasts, instead of individual meals. Choose recipes that require similar cooking times so that everything can be cooked simultaneously.

Batch cooking with an air fryer can be a great way to save time and energy in the kitchen. However, choosing recipes suited for this type of cooking is important.

The best recipes for batch cooking in an air fryer can be cooked in large batches, like stirfries and roasts. These recipes are ideal because they require similar cooking times and can be cooked simultaneously.

3. Prep Your Ingredients Ahead of Time

To make batch cooking easier, it’s important to prep all your ingredients ahead of time. This includes washing, chopping, and measuring out all the ingredients you’ll need for each recipe.

For example, if you’re making several stir-fries, you can wash and chop all the vegetables so they’re ready to go when it’s time to cook.

Using an air fryer for batch cooking is a great way to save time and energy. When cooking multiple dishes in the air fryer, it’s important to understand how much space each item requires.

If you try to cram too many items in the basket at once, you won’t get even heat distribution, and your food won’t cook properly. Take the time to prep your ingredients to ensure everything fits comfortably in the basket.

4. Cook Separately for Best Results

If you’re cooking multiple recipes simultaneously, cooking them separately is important. This is because different items require different cooking times and temperatures. For example, if you’re cooking fish and chicken,

cooking them separately is essential. If you try to cook them in the same basket, the fish will likely be overcooked when the chicken has finished cooking.

It’s also important to preheat your air fryer for a few minutes before adding food, as this helps ensure even cooking. Additionally, consider using parchment paper or aluminum foil when batch cooking with an air fryer

5. Use a Food Scale

A food scale is a great way to ensure your food is cooked evenly. By weighing out the ingredients for each recipe, you can guarantee that everything will be cooked perfectly. This also helps you track how much food you cook, especially when batch cooking.

To maximize the efficiency of your air fryer, it is important to ensure you are cooking food at the right temperature. Food that is too cold or hot will not cook evenly and can make a meal that is inconsistent in taste and texture.

A food scale can help you guarantee that all of your ingredients are evenly cooked and that no single ingredient is cooked more than the others.

6. Preheat Your Air Fryer

Like ovens, preheating your air fryer is essential for evenly cooked food. Preheating also helps prevent the food from sticking to the basket or burning. Check your air fryer’s instructions for preheating times and temperature settings.

When batch cooking in an air fryer, it is important to note the size of the food pieces. If all pieces are not roughly the same size, they will not cook evenly. Additionally, spread out the food pieces in a single layer so that air can circulate them and ensure even cooking. If too many items are placed in the air fryer at once, they may not cook properly.

7. Cook in Multiple Batches

If your air fryer isn’t large enough to accommodate all the food you’re cooking, try cooking in multiple batches. This will help ensure that everything is cooked evenly and prevents overcrowding in the air fryer, which can lead to uneven cooking.

If your air fryer isn’t big enough to accommodate all the food you’re trying to cook, it’s important to cook in multiple batches. This will help ensure that your food is cooked evenly without overcrowding the air fryer, which can cause uneven cooking.

To successfully batch cook with an air fryer, preheat the machine for at least 5 minutes before adding food. 

8. Use Racks to Maximize Space

If you’re cooking larger items like roasts or whole chickens, using racks to maximize your air fryer’s space is a good idea. Most air fryers come with removable racks, so you can easily adjust the height and fit more food in the basket.

Using racks to maximize your air fryer’s space is a great way to batch-cook larger items like roasts and whole chickens.

By adjusting the height of the racks, you can fit more food in the basket, allowing you to prepare multiple meals at once. This is especially useful when cooking for large groups or preparing meals ahead of time.

9. Arrange Food Carefully

When batch cooking in your air fryer, arranging the food carefully is important. Try to spread the ingredients as much as possible so they have enough room to cook evenly. This will ensure that all your food is cooked to perfection.

When batch cooking in an air fryer, it is important to ensure that the ingredients are spread out evenly and have enough room to cook properly. Avoid overcrowding the food as much as possible so that each item can be cooked without competing with the other ingredients for heat.

If you find items sticking together, you may want to turn them over halfway through the cooking time.

10. Don’t Overcrowd the Basket

It’s important not to overcrowd the fryer basket, as this can lead to uneven cooking and soggy results. If your meal is too large for the air fryer, try cooking in multiple batches or using racks to maximize the space in the basket.

When batch cooking with an air fryer, it’s important to remember that you should not overcrowd the fryer basket. Overcrowding can result in uneven cooking and soggy results, as foods may not receive adequate heat or air circulation.

To prevent this from happening, try separating your food into multiple batches so that each batch is cooked evenly. If your meal is too large for the air fryer, you may want to use racks to maximize the space in the basket.

11. Keep an Eye on Your Food

When cooking in your air fryer, keeping an eye on your food is important. This is especially true when batch cooking, as different ingredients, may require different cooking times or temperatures. Check the food regularly to ensure everything is cooked evenly, and adjust the settings where necessary.

When batch cooking in your air fryer, it’s important to remember that different ingredients may require different cooking times or temperatures. For example, if you are batch-cooking chicken and potatoes, the potatoes may take longer than the chicken.

Therefore, when starting your batch cook, set the temperature and timer for the ingredient that will take longer to cook (in this case, the potatoes).

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1: What Is Batch Cooking, And How Can I Do It With An Air Fryer?

Batch cooking refers to preparing larger quantities of food at once to prepare meals or ingredients for future use. With an air fryer, you can batch cook by arranging multiple batches of food in the basket or using additional accessories like racks or trays to maximize the cooking space.

2: How Do I Determine Cooking Times And Temperatures When Batch Cooking In An Air Fryer?

When batch cooking in an air fryer, it’s important to consider the increased amount of food in the basket, which may affect cooking times. Start by using the recommended cooking time and temperature for your recipe or food. Then, monitor the food closely and adjust cooking times, adding a few extra minutes as necessary.

3: Can I Stack Food In The Air Fryer For Batch Cooking?

You can stack food in an air fryer for batch cooking, but ensuring proper air circulation is essential. Avoid overcrowding the fryer basket, as it may hinder the hot air flow and result in uneven cooking. Use accessories like racks or trays to create layers and allow air to circulate the food if needed.

4: How Should I Store And Reheat Batch-Cooked Food From The Air Fryer?

Once your batch-cooked food is cooled, store it in airtight or meal prep containers in the refrigerator. Label and date each container for easy organization. To reheat, you can use the air fryer again, placing the desired portion in the basket and heating it at a lower temperature until warmed. Alternatively, you can reheat it in the microwave or on the stovetop.

5: Can I Freeze Batch-Cooked Food From The Air Fryer?

Yes, batch-cooked food from the air fryer can often be frozen for longer-term storage. Allow the food to cool completely before transferring it to freezer-safe containers or bags.

Label and date the containers, and consume within the recommended storage time for each food item. When ready to eat, thaw the food in the refrigerator and reheat using the air fryer or other preferred methods.


Batch cooking in an air fryer can be a great way to save time and energy while still enjoying delicious, healthy meals. By following the tips outlined above, you can maximize the space in your air fryer and ensure even cooking results. Remember to monitor your food, adjust cooking times, and store any leftovers for later use.

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