What Is The Best Oil To Use In An Air Fryer?-7 Best Oil

Author: Jenny J. Brown
December 28, 2023

Air fryers have gained popularity recently due to their ability to produce crispy and delicious foods without traditional deep frying methods’ added oils and fats. However, if you are new to air fryers, you may wonder what oil to use when cooking.

Selecting the appropriate oil for your air fryer can significantly impact the flavor and consistency of your cuisine. The vast assortment of oils available can make deciding which one to use challenging.

This article will explore the best oils to use in an air fryer, including their smoke point and flavor profile, so you can make an informed decision and achieve delicious, crispy results in your air fryer cooking.

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What’s the Meaning of the Best Oils to Use in the Air Fryer?

The air fryer is an increasingly popular kitchen appliance that uses hot air to cook food quickly and evenly. This method requires less oil and is healthier, but choosing the right oil for your air fryer can be confusing due to the variety available.

When choosing an oil for your air fryer, consider the oil’s smoke point first. The smoke point of an oil is the temperature at which it begins to burn and produce smoke, so it’s important to choose an oil with a high enough smoke point so that it won’t start burning in your air fryer.

Oils with a high smoke point, such as avocado, peanut, canola, and coconut oil, are recommended for use in an air fryer.

These oils are generally bland or have a mild flavor, helping to avoid overpowering the taste of your food. These oils are relatively affordable and easy to find in most grocery stores.

In conclusion, the best oils for an air fryer are those with a high smoke point and a neutral or mild flavor, such as avocado, peanut, canola, and coconut oil.

These oils will help you achieve the perfect texture and flavor in your air fryer cooking without overpowering the natural flavors of your food.

When cooking with oil in an air fryer, it’s also important to consider the taste of the oil and how it may affect your food. Some oils, like olive and peanut oil, have a strong flavor that can overpower other ingredients. In contrast, others, such as avocado and coconut oil, are more subtle and won’t overpower other flavors.

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Can You Explain the Smoking Point Of Oil?

Oil’s smoking point is the temperature at which it begins to smoke or break down. Different types of oils have different smoking points, and using an oil with a lower smoking point can lead to burned food and release unhealthy compounds into the air.

Oils with higher smoking points are better for cooking at high temperatures because they don’t break down as quickly.

When selecting an oil for your air fryer, it is crucial to choose one with a smoke point that matches the temperature at which you intend to cook. Avocado oil (520°F), peanut oil (450°F), canola oil (400°F), and coconut oil (350°F) are among the top oils for air frying.

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7 Best Oil To Use On Air Fryers

1. Clarified Butter( Ghee )

Clarified butter, also known as ghee, is an ideal oil to use in an air fryer. It has a high smoking point of 485°F (252°C), making it suitable for deep frying and achieving crispier food than regular butter when used in an air fryer. Additionally, clarified butter is packed with flavor and can add a delicious nutty taste to fried food.

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2. Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is a favorable choice for air frying due to its higher smoke point than other vegetable oils. It contains healthy fats and antioxidants and can enhance the taste of your food. The smoke point of avocado oil is 520°F (271°C).

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3. Peanut Oil

Peanut oil is a great choice for use in an air fryer. It has a high smoke point of 450°F, which is ideal for frying foods in an air fryer. The oil adds a light nutty flavor to whatever food you are cooking without overpowering the dish’s flavor. Peanut oil also provides healthy fats to your meal and is good for your heart.

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4. Canola Oil

Canola oil is one of the best oils in an air fryer. This oil has a very high smoke point of up to 400°F, which makes it ideal for frying food in an air fryer. Canola oil is also low in saturated fat and cholesterol, making it healthier than other oils such as vegetables or peanuts.

Additionally, canola oil is flavorless, so it won’t overpower the flavors of other ingredients in your dish.

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5. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another great option for air frying. It has a smoke point of 350°F, which is suitable for most foods you cook in an air fryer. Additionally, coconut oil adds a subtle nutty flavor to food and is packed with healthy fats.

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6. Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil is another great oil to use in an air fryer. It has a smoke point of 440°F, which makes it ideal for high-temperature cooking. Sunflower oil is also low in saturated fat and rich in healthy monounsaturated fat, making it a healthier choice than other oils.

Additionally, sunflower oil has a neutral flavor, so it won’t overpower the flavor of other ingredients.

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7. Olive Oil

Olive oil is not typically recommended for air frying due to its lower smoke point of around 375°F. However, if you want to use it, it’s best to combine olive oil with another oil with a higher smoke point, such as avocado or canola oil.

This will ensure that your food doesn’t burn or become too greasy. Additionally, olive oil has a strong flavor that can overpower other ingredients in your dish.

The Perfect Time to Add Oil In The Air Fryer

Once your air fryer is set up and ready to go, it is important to consider when the best time is to add oil.

Unlike regular pan-frying, where you may add oil to the cooking surface before adding the food, it is better to practice adding your choice of oil directly onto the food itself before putting it into an air fryer basket.

Not only does this help ensure that your food is cooked evenly and thoroughly, but it will also help prevent any potential safety risks by preventing contact between the hot oil and electrical components within the basket.

Another option that some may choose is adding a small bit of oil directly into the basket itself; however, this should be done with extreme caution as even a few drops of hot oil can cause significant damage if it touches any electrical pieces in the air fryer.

To avoid this issue entirely, I recommend getting the hang of how your air fryer works first. Once you understand how it operates, add a light glaze of cooking spray or brush some oil directly onto your food for perfect frying results.

The Perfect Amount Of Oil To Use in Air Fryer

The amount of oil used depends on the food type being cooked. Generally speaking, it is best to lightly coat your food if required and use a small spray bottle for more precise application.

Chicken wings or breaded items should be lightly coated in oil (typically via a zip-lock bag) before Air Frying. This ensures even coverage and helps produce successful results with minimal oil needed. From there, depending on the recipe or instructions, you may need to spray lightly during the cooking process.

What Can I Use Instead Of Oil in My Air Fryer?

For those air frying and needing an oil replacement, a non-stick cooking spray is the top choice. To achieve the best results, select a cooking spray with a high smoke point, minimal saturated fats, and no harmful chemicals.

Cooking spray is often the top choice for air fryers due to its convenience and low-fat content. It has a higher smoke point than most other oils, so it won’t burn as quickly, making it ideal for air frying.

Additionally, the cooking spray contains minimal saturated fats — fat that can harm your health — so you don’t have to worry about consuming too much.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

Choosing the best oil is the key to a successful recipe. However, this can be tricky. This bellow information will help you out more:

1. What Is The Best Oil To Use In An Air Fryer?

The most important factor to consider when selecting the best oil for your air fryer is its smoke point. Oils with high smoke points, such as canola, grapeseed, avocado, and peanut, are ideal for air frying as they won’t break down or become rancid at high temperatures.

Additionally, cooking sprays are a great alternative for those looking to reduce their fat intake while air frying.

2. Can I Use Olive Oil In An Air Fryer? 

Yes, you can use olive oil in an air fryer, but choosing the right type is important. Extra virgin olive oil has a lower smoke point and may not be suitable for air frying at high temperatures. Instead, opt for light or pure olive oil, which has a higher smoke point and is more suitable for air frying.

3. Can I Use Vegetable Oil In An Air Fryer? 

Yes, vegetable oil is a common and suitable option for air frying. However, it’s important to check the specific type of vegetable oil you’re using, as some varieties may have a lower smoke point. Aim for vegetable oil with a high smoke point, such as soybean oil or sunflower oil.

4. Is Coconut Oil A Good Choice For Air Frying?

Coconut oil can be used in an air fryer, but it’s worth noting that it has a distinct flavor that may transfer to your food. Additionally, coconut oil has a lower smoke point, so it’s best to use it for lower-temperature air frying or mixed with an oil with a higher smoke point, such as canola or avocado oil.

5. Are There Any Healthier Oil Options For Air Frying?

If you’re looking for healthier oil options, consider oils with beneficial properties, such as avocado or grapeseed. These oils are rich in monounsaturated fats and have higher smoke points, making them suitable for air frying. Additionally, they offer potential health benefits, including promoting heart health and reducing inflammation.


The best oil to use in an air fryer depends on the type of food being cooked. Oils with a high smoke point, such as canola, grapeseed, avocado, and peanut oil are ideal for air frying. Additionally, non-stick cooking sprays are a great alternative for those looking to reduce their fat intake while air frying.

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