When Was Olive Oil Invented?

Author: Jenny J Brown
December 31, 2022

While olive oil is often associated with health benefits, it can also cause some side effects, such as gas or indigestion. That is the reason people are so into olive oil right now. Home to the restaurant, every food corner is considering olive oil. However, do you know when olive oil was invented? You would be shocked to know that olive oil was invented in 3500 bc. Yes, that long ago. Dig into more facts about olive oil.

When was Olive Oil Invented?

Although olive oil production is assumed to have started before 4000 BC, the earliest surviving olive oil amphorae date to 3500 BC (Early Minoan times). The cultivation of olive trees began in the Late Minoan period (1500 BC) in Crete and may have begun in the Early Minoan period. It is believed that the first olive trees were planted in 5000 BC, but it wasn’t until around 2000 years later (around 1000 AD) that they became a popular food source and spread throughout Europe.

Who Made Olive Oil First?

Some scholars say the Ancient Egyptians may have been the first to cultivate olives. It has also been discovered that olives were found in Egyptian tombs dating back 2,000 years ago. It is believed that the production of olive oil began before the 4,000 BC era due to the discovery of the earliest amphorae that date back to 3,500 BC.

Who Invented Olive Oil and Why?

According to Greek mythology, Aristaeus spread olive oil from Sardinia and Sicily to the Balkan Peninsula, the Aegean Sea, and the Balkan Islands. There is no doubt, therefore, that he has been considered to be the inventor of olive oil and the press used to extract it, which is no accident.

Where did Olive Oil Originate? 

According to many historians, it is believed that olive oil was first produced somewhere in The Middle East or the Mediterranean Basin. According to historical records, the use of olive oil dates back to ancient times in Iran, Turkistan, Greece, Italy, and Egypt.

The first written record of the use of olive oil comes from Ancient Egypt, where it was used as a medicine and for embalming. It is mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 1:29) and was believed to be an aphrodisiac. The Romans were also known to have used olive oil in their baths.

How Old is the Oldest Olive Oil?

8,000 years ago, olive oil was produced in the region, according to new archaeological research, reports the Times of Israel. Researchers discovered fragments of broken pottery containers during a dig at the site of the Bronze Age town of Ein Zippori, just over a mile west of Nazareth, where a Bronze Age town was once located.

How is Olive Oil Made?

For olive oil to be ready for consumption, certain steps must be followed, depending on the producer. Here are four steps olive oil needs to go through to be ready for distribution and ultimately have a place in your pantry. Olive Tree Growing: When olive trees are planted, they take about five years to mature. During this period, the trees are cultivated and cared for by our growers. They carefully nurture the trees to ensure they produce quality fruit.

Olive Harvesting:

Once the olives reach maturity, our Texana brand growers harvest the olives. This involves picking the ripe olives off the branches and placing them into large bins. These bins are then transported to our processing plant, where they are processed into olive oil.

Olive Picking:

After the olives are harvested, the next step is to pick out the olives that are ready to be pressed. We use mechanical tools to do this task.

Olive Pressing:

Once the olives are picked, they are placed into a press machine. This machine forces the olives under pressure to release their oils. The resulting oil is then filtered and bottled.

Olive Bottling:

Finally, once the oil is bottled, it is labeled and packaged for shipment.


There is no question that olive oil is one of the most important foods we can consume. It contains high amounts of healthy fats and antioxidants with low calories. Olive oil history a fascinating to learn about. Who knows that our daily cooking indagate has such a long history. I hope our article has given you enough information about olive oil.

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