Perfect Temperature To Deep Fry Chicken | 350-Degree Rule

Author: Jenny J. Brown
December 20, 2023

Deep frying has quickly become one of the most popular cooking methods to make delicious and crunchy meals. However, frying food can be tricky to get just right with high temperatures and hot oil. If you’re new to the art of deep-frying, a helpful tip is to read up on our comprehensive guide for how to fry with confidence.

To properly fry the chicken, heat the oil to a temperature of 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and use tongs to place the chicken with the skin-side down carefully.

Start with the edge closest to you and move away from yourself to avoid any potential splattering.

This chart will help you ensure that your food always comes out perfectly golden brown. Aside from following this chart, another recommendable tip for deep frying is to make sure you use healthy oils when cooking.

Having nutritious oils like coconut or olive oil in your pantry will have you making tasty yet healthy dishes.

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Perfect Temperature To Deep Fry Chicken | 350-Degree Rule 2

Deep frying with oil is a popular cooking method and results in delectable foods such as french fries, fish and chips, chicken wings, doughnuts, and onion rings.

To ensure the best taste for your fried goodies, it is important to choose an oil that can handle the high temperatures used for deep frying. The normal temperature range for deep frying is typically between 350 and 375 °F.

Healthy heart-friendly oils like safflower and rice bran oil have higher smoke commands, so they are better suited for deep frying than others because they maintain flavor when heated to almost 500°F.

Other great choices for deep frying include peanut oil, sunflower oil, or canola oil. Remembering the smoke points of various oils can make all the difference when cooking delicious dishes made from deep-fried ingredients. Ensure you get the right oil for your fried foods to enjoy without compromising their rich flavors.

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How Long Do You Fry Chicken at 350 F?

When frying chicken thighs, the key is to get the timing and temperature just right. The ideal temperature for frying chicken thighs is 350 degrees Fahrenheit, which should be maintained throughout cooking.

The length of time it takes to fry various parts of the chicken also varies depending on the size of the cut. To ensure your fried chicken thighs come out perfectly cooked and juicy, you can use this helpful guide:

Chicken thigh pieces require 20 minutes of cooking at 350 F; chicken wings take 8-10 minutes at 375 F; and for thinner cuts like strips or drumsticks, aim for 3-5 minutes or 12-15 minutes, respectively, at a temperature of 375 F.

With this simple guideline, you can easily fry up a delicious batch of golden brown crispy chicken thighs. Just remember that if you ever feel unsure about how long it’s been cooking – an instant-read thermometer will give you an exact internal temperature measurement to ensure your fried chicken is safe to consume.

For Chicken Thighs

Fried chicken is a classic dish that never goes out of style. It is comforting, hearty, and can be cooked up in just a few minutes. To ensure that the chicken cooks evenly throughout, it must be deep-fried at an appropriate temperature for the right amount of time.

Deep frying chicken thighs at 350 degrees Fahrenheit will take about 12 minutes until they are fully cooked through.

How do You Tell if the Fried Chicken is Properly Cooked?

Cooking fried chicken thighs can be a quick and convenient way to prepare an easy dinner. However, it is very important to make sure they are cooked properly.

This is not only for food safety reasons but also for taste. Undercooked or raw chicken can have a dry and unappetizing texture that no one wants to eat.

The best way to ensure proper cooking of fried chicken thighs is with the help of a digital thermometer. Before taking the chicken out from the frying pan, insert the probe into the center part of the thigh and check the reading; typically, the chicken should reach an internal temperature of at least 165°F (73°C).

If the temperature has not reached this level yet, you may need to leave it in longer or lower the heat, as overcooking or burning on the outside will not guarantee that all parts have been sufficiently cooked through. By using a thermometer, you can guarantee that your fried chicken thighs turn out delectable every time.

Some Frying Safety Rules

When deep frying chicken, it is important to adhere to basic safety rules and regulations. To ensure optimal cooking results, it is important to ensure the oil is heated to the correct temperature before adding the food. The general rule for deep frying chicken is to set the fryer at 375°F (190°C).

In addition to temperature control, there are other important safety tips to remember. Keep the lid of the fryer closed, as hot oil splatters can cause severe burns and fires.

Wear protective clothing like long sleeves and oven mitts while handling the fryer, and avoid overcrowding the pot with food, as this can lower the temperature and increase cooking time.

Finally, ensure that all utensils used for deep frying are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before and after use. By following these rules and taking the proper precautions, you can easily fry up a delicious batch of golden brown crispy chicken thighs.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

Here is some More Information to help you our more with deep frying your chicken perfectly:

1: What Is The “350-Degree Rule” For Deep-Frying Chicken?

The “350-Degree Rule” refers to the recommended temperature for deep-frying chicken, which is around 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius).

This rule suggests maintaining a consistent oil temperature of 350 degrees throughout frying to achieve crispy and evenly cooked chicken.

2: Why Is 350 Degrees Fahrenheit The Perfect Temperature For Deep-Frying Chicken?

350 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for deep-frying chicken because it can cook thoroughly, forming a crispy, golden-brown exterior. The chicken will cook relatively quickly at this temperature without drying out or becoming excessively greasy.

3: What Happens If The Oil Temperature Is Too Low For Deep-Frying Chicken?

If the oil temperature is too low, such as below 325 degrees Fahrenheit (163 degrees Celsius), the chicken will absorb more oil, resulting in a greasy and soggy texture. The chicken may take longer to cook, potentially leading to undercooked or unevenly cooked meat.

4: Can I Deep-Fry Chicken At A Higher Temperature Than 350 Degrees Fahrenheit?

While it is possible to deep-fry chicken at a higher temperature, such as 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius), it may lead to a quicker browning of the exterior while the inside remains undercooked. It’s important to balance achieving a crispy crust and ensuring the chicken is cooked through.

5: How Can I Maintain A Consistent Oil Temperature Of 350 Degrees Fahrenheit While Deep-Frying Chicken? 

To maintain a consistent oil temperature, it is recommended to use a deep-fry or candy thermometer. Heat the oil to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and monitor the temperature throughout the frying process, adjusting the heat as needed.

Avoid overcrowding the fryer, as adding too much chicken at once can significantly lower the oil temperature.


The optimal temperature for deep-frying chicken is 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius). This temperature will ensure the chicken cooks thoroughly and evenly, forming a crispy exterior without becoming greasy.

Before deep-frying your chicken, use a thermometer to check the oil temperature and adjust the heat accordingly. Additionally, it’s important to follow safety guidelines while deep-frying to avoid potential injuries.

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