How Do I Troubleshoot My Air Fryer If It’s Not Working Properly

Author: Jenny J. Brown
December 21, 2023

When your air fryer stops working, preparing meals can be a major inconvenience. Identifying the problem and looking for easy solutions to get your air fryer up and running again as soon as possible is important. Air fryers have become popular kitchen appliances due to their convenience and ability to cook food with little oil quickly.

Fortunately, you can take some simple steps when your air fryer isn’t functioning properly. Begin by checking your user manual for troubleshooting instructions for your air fryer model.

If the issue persists, ensure the power cord is securely plugged into an outlet. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, then try out other troubleshooting to resolve this issue. Read on to find those methods.

How Do I Troubleshoot My Air Fryer If It’s Not Working Properly?

If your air fryer is not working properly, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Such as:

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1. Check Air Fryer’s Cord and Heating Element

When troubleshooting an air fryer that has stopped working, the first thing to do is check the power cord and heating element. Start by making sure the power cord is properly plugged into a working socket. If it looks like it’s not plugged in correctly, unplug it and try a different outlet.

If that doesn’t work, inspect the power cable for signs of wear or damage, such as frayed insulation or exposed wires. If any part of the cable appears to be in bad shape, it should be replaced before using the air fryer again.

The next step is to check the heating element. Inspect for any signs of burning or damage. Make sure all connectors are secure and firmly in place. Check for any holes or tears in the heating element itself as these could be hazardous if left unseen or unchecked.

Additionally, confirm that all internal elements are clean and free from dust or debris, which can lead to overheating or electrical failure of the device over time. Once all on-site checks have been done, test out your air fryer again to see if it works properly before use.

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2. Check Internal Components

The next step in troubleshooting your air fryer is to inspect its internal components. Start by making sure all the parts are securely fastened and connected correctly. Remove any excess food bits that may have accumulated over time, as these can interfere with the functioning of the device. If possible, clean the internal elements with a damp cloth or brush in order to remove any dirt or dust that may have built up.

Next, check the temperature control settings if applicable. Make sure they are set correctly according to your desired cooking time and temperature. Additionally, look for any signs of damage or wear in the internal components of your air fryer.

Check for any loose screws or worn parts which could be causing the issue. If you find anything broken or damaged, it should be replaced or repaired before you can use the air fryer again.

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3. Inspect the Air Fryer Basket and Tray

The last step in troubleshooting your air fryer is to inspect both the basket and tray for signs of wear or damage. Remove any food bits that may have accumulated inside, as these can interfere with the functioning of the device. Check for any loose screws or worn parts that could be causing the issue.

Additionally, examine the air fryer basket and tray for any signs of damage or wear. If you find anything broken or damaged, it should be replaced or repaired before you can use the air fryer again.

Once all these steps have been taken, your air fryer should be ready to use again. With a little bit of troubleshooting, you can get your air fryer back to working properly in no time.

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4. Test the Air Fryer After Repairs

Once you have completed all repairs and checked all components, it’s time to test the air fryer. Start by powering the device and setting it at the desired temperature for cooking. If the air fryer doesn’t heat up right away, wait a few minutes before checking again.

Once you have set the temperature, allow the air fryer to run for a few minutes before adding any food. This will help ensure that the appliance is working properly before you start cooking with it.

Once you have tested the air fryer and confirmed that it is functioning properly, you can now begin using it as normal. With a little bit of troubleshooting, you should be able to get your air fryer up and running again in no time.

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5. Check the Power Button and Start Button

The first step before using your air fryer is to check the power and start buttons. This can be done by simply pressing the buttons on the front of the air fryer.

If either or both of these buttons are not working, it could be an indication of a bigger problem that needs to be addressed. It’s important to know what issue you are experiencing, as this will help you troubleshoot and fix it correctly.

If the power and start button aren’t working, one potential solution is to try pressing the reset button on the air fryer (if it has one). This can often help fix a variety of issues with any appliance.

Additionally, if the problem persists, it may be necessary for you to contact the manufacturer for further assistance on how to resolve the issue at hand.

6. Check the Control Panel

The control panel of an air fryer is a central operational component that allows you to set and control the device’s temperature, cooking time, and other functions. If the control panel does not seem to be working or the air fryer does not turn on, it may be due to a malfunction in the control panel components.

You can first try to reset the device by pressing and holding down the reset button for several seconds if one exists. If that doesn’t work, then this could mean that the control panel is broken, malfunctioning, or damaged.

If your air fryer’s control panel is unresponsive to your commands and all other efforts have failed, then you might need to replace it entirely. To do so successfully you will need to carefully remove the old part from its housing without damaging it.

For some air fryers, you will also need to disconnect certain wires leading from the control panel before removing them. Once those are detached, a substitution of a compatible part should solve any issues with your appliance.

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7. Check the Cooking Time

Cooking with an air fryer can be fun and easy, but only if the timer is set properly. It is important to pay attention to the instruction manual or install instructions on the air fryer before beginning to use it, especially concerning setting the right amount of time for your recipe.

If you are unsure, take the time to double-check all settings before starting a recipe. This will ensure that your food cooks correctly and that you have a successful culinary experience.

When setting the timer on your fryer, be sure to consider factors such as the size of food pieces or parts, type of breading material, or absence of breading as these will all influence cooking times.

The cook program buttons on your machine may also require abiding by certain preparation procedures; otherwise, it will not turn on. Thus, it is essential that you pay close attention and follow all necessary steps in order for successful meals.

Once the timer has been correctly set, then you need to wait for the cooking process to finish and enjoy your meal.

8. Check Safety Features

First, examine whether your air fryer has an automatic shut-off feature. This feature prevents the appliance from overheating and is essential for avoiding any accidents or risk of damage. If automatic shut-off is enabled, confirm that it works properly by turning on the device and monitoring its temperature as it heats up.

Next, consider whether a timer is set on your air fryer or if it has a temperature-sensing function that will alert you when your food reaches the desired temperature. Both options can help make sure you’re using safe temperatures for cooking and will assist with preventing overcooking and damage to the food or appliance.

Finally, verify that no objects are blocking the vents at the top or side of the air fryer to enable good airflow throughout your device. Adequate ventilation helps ensure that hot oil does not build up during cooking which could be hazardous.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1. Why Does My Air Fryer Stop Working?

If your air fryer has suddenly stopped working, there are a few potential causes you should consider. One possible cause is a power outage or surge. If the power to your home has gone out or experienced a surge, it may have caused the device to lose its settings and stop working properly.

Another common cause of an air fryer not working properly is an overload of food. When too much food is added to the air fryer, it can cause the device to overheat or become jammed. Finally, a malfunctioning control panel or wiring could be preventing your air fryer from operating correctly.

2. How Do I Reset My Air Fryer?

The best way to reset your air fryer is to press and hold down the reset button (if one exists ) for a few seconds until the air fryer’s display is blank.

If your air fryer does not have a reset button, you may need to unplug it and plug it back in to reset it. After resetting the device, you should be able to use it again as normal.

3. How Long Do Air Fryers Last?

Typically, an air fryer will last for 2 to 3 years before needing replacement. However, it remains an excellent choice for health-conscious individuals looking to maintain fitness.

This innovative device allows users to prepare a variety of dishes while staying within their desired caloric intake.

4. What Is The Negative Side Effect Of An Air Fryer?

When fish is cooked in an air fryer using high temperatures, it can lead to the creation of cholesterol oxidation products (COPs). COPs have been linked to various chronic diseases, including heart disease.

5. Is It To Use An Air Fryer Every Day?

The answer to this question depends on your particular air fryer model, the amount of food you’re cooking, and how often you plan to use it. Most air fryers are designed for occasional use and can handle frequent use without any issues.

However, if you plan to use your air fryer every day or multiple times a day, it is important to pay attention to maintenance and care instructions provided by the manufacturer.


If your air fryer is not working properly, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue. First, it is important to check the safety features of your fryer such as the automatic shut-off feature and timer as well as verify that nothing is blocking the vents. Other potential causes of malfunction could include a power outage or surge, an overload of food, or a malfunctioning control panel or wiring. If none of the methods doesn’t work, then consult a professional.

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