Why Are My Kitchen Cabinets Sticky After Cleaning?

Author: Jenny J Brown
January 2, 2023

When you go to clean your kitchen cabinet doors or drawers, they might seem shiny and new, but underneath, they probably have food debris stuck inside. If you don’t wipe down your kitchen cabinet properly, you’ll get sticky residue left behind. However, sometimes the kitchen cabinets seem sticky even after cleaning. That's happened because of cooking grease and dirt. Dig into learning more about this.

Why are My Kitchen Cabinets Sticky After Cleaning?

Generally, sticky residues found on top of your kitchen cupboards are caused by cooking grease and dirt. Still, residues left behind by some cleaners can also cause them. It doesn't matter where a sticky residue comes from as long as it is unappealing and can also damage your kitchen cabinets. It also makes the worst environment for cooking.

Why are My Wood Cabinets Sticky After Cleaning?

Food fat, cooking oil, and dirt usually cause sticky residue. Even a spoonful of oil in a hot pan during the cooking process will cause some of the oil to evaporate into oil vapor, causing some of your cooking oil to evaporate.

How Do You Fix Sticky Kitchen Cabinets?

A cleaning solution should be created by mixing baking soda with warm water and lemon juice. Put the solution in a spray bottle and spray the liquid onto the kitchen cabinets by adding the solution to a spray bottle. The baking soda should be left to work for a period of 2-3 minutes, allowing it to work its magic on the skin. Gently scrub the grease away with the soft sponge as a scrubber. Tada, now your kitchen will smell like a fresh rose garden and make the perfect environment for cooking.

Can Vinegar Spray be Help for Sticky Kitchen?

Vinegar is great for cleaning because it works well against mildew and bacteria. But it doesn't work well alone. Add baking soda and white vinegar to a spray bottle filled with warm water to make a stronger solution. Then shake vigorously to combine. This mixture is perfect for removing stubborn stains on countertops and sinks.

You can also use this recipe to clean out refrigerator shelves and drawers. Simply pour the mixture into a bowl and wipe down the inside of your fridge. Make sure to rinse off the shelves with hot water.

What if I am Using a Stainless-Steel Sink?

If you're using a stainless-steel sink, you'll need to add 1/4 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and the rest of the ingredients. Stir thoroughly before spraying the cleaner. Be careful not to overdo it; just one drop shouldn't be enough. Spray the entire surface of the sink. Leave the cleaner to sit for 5-10 minutes before wiping it clean with a rag. Wipe again with a paper towel to remove any remaining soap scum. Rinse thoroughly with cold tap water. To prevent sink rust, keep an eye on it when washing dishes.

How do I Stop the Sticky Residue from Returning?

If you want to avoid the sticky residue in the kitchen, there are four things you can do:

  1. Make sure you wipe down surfaces regularly.
  2. Use paper towels rather than cloth ones.
  3. Don’t put anything sticky on the countertop.
  4. Cover up any spills immediately.


No matter what type of kitchen cabinet you have, a cleaning product that removes odors and keeps the space smelling fresh is essential. The best thing about these tips is that they require minimal effort, so anyone can easily get started immediately. I hope this article has cleared out every question you have. Donta wait anymore; start making your kitchen fresh.

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