How to Season Beef Riblets in the Air Fryer

Author: Jenny J Brown
May 22, 2023

Beef Riblets are a classic American dish that has become a favorite at home throughout the country. They are quick to prepare and can be served hot or cold. In addition, they are great for entertaining because they can be prepared ahead of time. The problem is that the meat tends to dry out unless adequately cooked.

Elevating the culinary experience to new heights, seasoning beef riblets in the air fryer adds a tantalizing twist to this classic dish. The air fryer, known for its ability to achieve a perfect balance of crispiness and tenderness, becomes the stage for infusing bold and savory flavors into succulent riblets. As we embark on this flavorful journey, the air fryer’s rapid hot air circulation promises not only efficiency but also a healthier alternative to traditional frying methods.

The beauty of seasoning lies in the artful combination of herbs, spices, and marinades that enhance the natural richness of the beef, creating a symphony of taste and texture. Whether you’re a seasoned home chef or an aspiring cook, the air fryer provides a convenient and quick solution to achieve delectable beef riblets bursting with flavor. Get ready to explore the culinary possibilities as we delve into the world of seasoning and air-frying, transforming ordinary riblets into an extraordinary dining experience.


beef riblets
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Time in the oven: 12 minutes


For the Riblets

  • 1 lb beef riblets, cut into single pieces with bones
  • 2 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tsp dark soy sauce
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp sugar
  • 5 to 8 large cloves garlic, cut in halves

For the Dipping Sauce

  • ​One clove of garlic, chopped
  • 2 tsp chopped cilantro
  • 2 tsp Thai dried red chili flakes
  • 2 tsp toasted rice powder
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 Tbsp fish sauce
  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 1/2 lime juice


Marinate the riblets in a mixture of all the ingredients for at least two hours and up to a full day. Heat the air fryer to 360 degrees Fahrenheit and add the riblets and garlic; avoid getting any of the marinades in the air fryer. Shake the riblets to ensure consistent cooking after 6 minutes, then fry for another 6 minutes.

To pass the time, prepare the dipping sauce by combining its constituent parts. The dipping sauce is optional, but it adds a lot of flavors and is a nice change of pace.

As an option, you can make a pretty presentation by placing the riblets on a bed of green onion, chives, or green foliage. Enjoy. Time in the oven: 12 minutes



  • Beef back ribs
  • Kansas City-style BBQ sauce
  • Kosher salt
  • Onion powder
  • Garlic powder
  • Black pepper


First: you’ll need to combine the dry ingredients for the rub. In a shallow bowl, mix the dry ingredients. Put this off till later; first, we need to get the ribs ready to rub.

2nd Step: Get those ribs ready: Make sure the ribs’ bone side faces up on the cutting board. You should throw this membrane away if your butcher didn’t. The ribs will be chewy if this isn’t taken care of.

Finally, in Step 3, you’ll rub the ribs: Coat the ribs in the dry rub on all sides. It would be best if you gave the ribs a good coating. With this method, the ribs will develop a crust similar to what you’d get from smoking or grilling them.

Fourth, turn on the air fryer: Bone side down, put the ribs in the air fryer. Your rib rack may be too large for the air fryer, so you must cut it into smaller pieces. If necessary, cutting the ribs into individual bones can make it easier to fit more of them into your air fryer.

They are done for 20 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit or until an instant-read thermometer registers 190 to 195 degrees.



  • one pound beef riblets
  • One teaspoon of each paprika
  • One teaspoon of brown sugar
  • Garlic powder (a pinch)
  • Onion powder (a bit)


Step-1: You’ll need one teaspoon each of paprika and brown sugar. You can adjust the amounts to your liking, but a good starting point is one teaspoon each.

Step 2: Mix the paprika, brown sugar, and garlic powder in a small bowl. Mix well to combine. Place the riblets on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil. Season each side of each piece of meat liberally with the spice mixture. Place in your air fryer and cook for 8 minutes at 390 degrees Fahrenheit (200 C).

Step 3: Rinse the riblets to remove excess salt, pat them dry with paper towels, and place the ribs in a shallow baking dish.

Step 4: Dust the ribs liberally with more seasoning and place them on the wire rack, then set the timer for 10 minutes per side (that’s 20 minutes total).

When they’re ready to come out of the fryer, make sure you use mitts! The hot steam will burn your hands if you don’t use some protection between yourself and those piping-hot ribs.

Step 5: To start, pat the ribs dry with paper towels. Then, please place them in a shallow baking dish. Next, use a meat thermometer to check the temperature of the ribs at their thickest point. Remember that you should remove your ribs from your air fryer when they are about five degrees shy of your target temperature. They’ll continue to cook after you take them out.

Step 6: After you’ve cooked the beef ribs, use a meat thermometer to check the temperature of the ribs at the thickest point. The temperature should be between 140 and 145 degrees Fahrenheit. If it’s higher, remove them from the air fryer and lower the heat setting before returning them. 

The temperature will rise a few degrees after you remove them from the air fryer, so ensure your reading is taken right when they come out of it (and not before).

The goal is to cook this cut of meat just long enough for it to be done but still have some moisture left there for tenderness and juiciness.

Step 7: Alternatively, insert a separate digital thermometer into the thickest part of the riblet. The temperature will rise as it cooks, so adjust accordingly. Remove the ribs from your air fryer when they are about five degrees shy of your target temperature,

Step 8: When you’re ready to remove the ribs, use a meat thermometer to check the temperature of the ribs at their thickest point. The goal is to cook them until they’re about 5 degrees outside your target temperature. Then, let them rest for five minutes before serving (the internal temp will continue to rise during this time.

Air-Frying the Seasoned Riblets

Air-frying seasoned riblets is a pivotal stage in achieving that perfect balance of crispiness and tenderness. This process, when executed with precision, ensures that the flavors infused during the seasoning stage are complemented by a texture that delights the palate. Let’s delve into the key elements of air-frying seasoned riblets:

Determining the Appropriate Temperature for Cooking:

Selecting the right temperature is crucial for the success of air-frying seasoned riblets. Typically, a temperature range of 375°F to 400°F (190°C to 205°C) works well. This allows for efficient cooking, rendering the exterior crispy while retaining the succulence of the meat within. However, it’s advisable to refer to the specific recommendations of your air fryer model, as they may vary.

Establishing the Cooking Time for Achieving the Desired Texture:

The cooking time plays a vital role in achieving the desired texture for the riblets. Generally, air-frying seasoned riblets takes about 20 to 25 minutes, but this can vary based on the thickness of the meat and the specific air fryer model. It’s crucial to monitor the riblets closely during the process, adjusting the time as needed to prevent overcooking and ensure the ideal balance of crispy exterior and juicy interior.

Flipping or Rotating Riblets for Even Crispiness:

To ensure uniform crispiness on all sides, it’s essential to flip or rotate the riblets during the air-frying process. This step, typically done halfway through the cooking time (around the 10 to 12-minute mark), promotes even browning. Utilize tongs to carefully flip or rotate the riblets, allowing the hot air to reach all surfaces. This simple yet crucial maneuver ensures that each riblet receives equal exposure to the circulating heat, resulting in a consistent and delectable texture.

As you navigate through the air-frying process, consider the visual cues for doneness. The riblets should acquire a golden-brown exterior with a tempting crispiness, signaling that they are ready to be savored. Be mindful of the slight variations in cooking times that may arise due to factors like the air fryer’s wattage or the thickness of the riblets.

Mastering the air-frying stage of seasoned riblets involves a delicate balance of temperature, time, and technique. The art lies in achieving that perfect harmony where the seasoned flavors meld seamlessly with the crispy exterior, creating a culinary masterpiece that is bound to delight the senses. As you savor the results of your air-frying endeavors, you’ll appreciate the magic that happens when precision meets innovation in the heart of your kitchen.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take for riblets to cook in an air fryer?

Air fryers are perfect for cooking food quickly because they use hot air instead of oil or steam. As such, they do not require an oven, which makes them ideal for busy families who want to eat healthy foods.

How do you crisp ribs in an air fryer?

To crisp ribs in an air fryer, just put them in for about 20 minutes at 400 degrees F. If they don’t turn golden brown after that time, then increase the heat until they reach the desired color.

Can you cook rib tips in an Airfryer?

Yes! A healthy tip for cooking ribs is to use a meat thermometer. The best way to cook ribs is to put them directly into the air fryer basket. If you want to add a sauce, brush it onto the ribs after they’ve been cooked. However, don’t forget to remove any excess fat from the pan before adding the sauce. Also, be careful when removing the ribs from the oven; let them cool down at room temperature. Otherwise, they may stick.

Can you use frozen meat in an air fryer?

In your air fryer, you can use frozen chicken strips, steak, shrimp, pork chops, bacon, etc. Please place them in a single layer inside the basket and cook for about 10 minutes at 400 degrees F. The heat from the air fryer will prevent freezer burn on the food.

How long does it take to cook frozen pre-cooked ribs?

Frozen BBQ ribs should be thawed overnight in the refrigerator, then heated for 20 minutes at 350 degrees F. First, make sure they are fully defrosted. Then, brush them with barbecue sauce and grill until tender. If you like extra spicy sauces, add some hot sauce when brushing the ribs before grilling.


Seasoning beef riblets in the air fryer unveils a culinary adventure that marries convenience with a burst of savory excellence. The air fryer, with its ability to ensure a perfect amalgamation of crispiness and juiciness, has proven to be a game-changer in the kitchen. By infusing the riblets with a carefully chosen blend of herbs, spices, and marinades, each bite becomes a symphony of flavors. The efficiency and health-conscious approach of the air fryer elevate this dish to new heights, offering a delightful alternative to traditional cooking methods. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen enthusiast, the air fryer provides a gateway to creating delectable beef riblets that redefine the art of seasoning. As you savor the results of your culinary endeavors, the air-fried beef riblets showcase the perfect fusion of simplicity, innovation, and, most importantly, irresistible flavor.

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