Healthy Air Fryer String Beans: (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Author: Jenny J Brown
February 17, 2023

Are you looking forward to a new year of health and fitness resolutions? If so, you should consider buying an air fryer. They’re affordable and versatile enough to cook almost anything from eggs to pizza dough.

An air fryer is a fantastic appliance that allows you to cook healthy recipes like string beans without adding extra oil or fat. This recipe only takes 10 minutes in the air fryer and will have your whole house smelling like something from a restaurant.


  • 1 pound fresh green beans
  • One tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon Garlic Powder

air fryer string beans
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Cooking Directions

1. Preheat the air fryer to 390F

Make sure your air fryer is preheated to 390F. If you’re using a convection oven, set the temperature to 390F. If you have a microwave oven or toaster oven, use it at its highest setting. You can also use a normal range preheated for 20 minutes at 400 degrees F and turned off after those 20 minutes have elapsed.

2. Rinse and dry string beans. Remove both ends

Rinse and dry string beans thoroughly. Then, remove both ends of the string beans by cutting them with a sharp knife or kitchen scissors.Cut the string bean in half using a sharp knife or kitchen scissors.

3. Cut or snap string beans into bite-size pieces

Cut or snap the string beans into bite-size pieces.You want to cut them relatively small but not too small. They should be about the same size as french fries or shoestring potatoes. If you miss them too small, they’ll burn. On the other hand, leaving them too long will be challenging, and don’t cook evenly.

To make sure that your vegetables are uniformly sized:Put all of the vegetables in a bowl together with the air fryer basket on top of it so that it’s easy to take out when they’re done (you could also use a colander)Use something sharp like a knife or new kitchen scissors to slice through all of your veggies at once (you might need more than one person here).

4. Toss with oil and garlic powder

Now that your string beans have been cut, it’s time to prepare them for the air fryer. Tossing them with oil and garlic powder keeps them from sticking together and adds delicious flavor. Just use a minimal amount of oil—enough to coat the string beans but not so much that they’re swimming in it—and use a garlic powder that isn’t too spicy.

5. Place string beans in an even layer in the basket of the air fryer, not touching each other (for best results)

If you don’t have an air fryer and want to make this recipe, use your oven on its top or bottom rack. If you do have an air fryer, follow these tips:Start with a cold basket. The basket should be placed inside the hot air fryer before adding any food—this will help keep it cool when you add your string beans.

Use a spray bottle filled with water and periodically spritz water on the basket to prevent overheating and burning your beans as they cook. You can also cover the air fryer for some time if it gets too hot (but don’t overcook).

Some people recommend filling up half of their baskets with water before putting food in them; I haven’t tried this yet but hope to soon.

Don’t overcrowd the basket. It’s better to make several batches instead of crowding everything together because doing so will cause splattering from too much oil (and maybe even burning from too much heat).

Also, remember that most veggies need only 15 minutes to be fully cooked, so don’t worry if they look undercooked after 10 minutes —they’ll finish cooking during those last five minutes anyways!

6. Air fry for 10 minutes, stirring halfway through cooking time

Now it is time to air fry. Set your air fryer to 380°F and cook for 10 minutes, stirring halfway through cooking time. Air fryers have different temperature settings, so you may need to adjust this recipe based on your model.

If you are using a thermometer to check the doneness of your food, insert it into a piece of string bean halfway between the tip and root end. If it reads 160°F or higher when inserted in the middle (roughly 5-6 minutes per batch), then they are done.

Otherwise, continue cooking until they reach that temperature or feel tender when pierced with a fork or knife. Then, remove them from the basket while still hot.

How To Bake These

Prepare an oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit (220 degrees Celsius), gas 7, and a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Spread the green beans on a baking sheet, spray them with a low-calorie cooking spray (or oil), and then sprinkle them with the highest quality salt you can find. Toss the green beans in the mixture and stir until they are evenly covered. After that, spread out the beans in a single layer.

To balance softness and crunchiness, roast them for 14 to 16 minutes.Turn off the heat and serve immediately with extra salt and chopped herbs if using.Because the temperatures produced by an air fryer will differ based on the manufacturer and model, you should only use the recommended cook time as a reference and make adjustments as necessary.

How Long Should the Green Beans Be Cooked

I found that 7-9 minutes was the ideal time to give them a chewy consistency with a crisp exterior.Cook the green beans for a more extended period and keep an eye on them to ensure they don’t burn.

How to Cook Frozen Green Beans in Air Fryer

For frozen green beans, use the same temperature but double the cook time.Check on the green beans frequently, and modify the cooking time if required.

How to make air fryer string beans FAQs

1. How long does it take to cook green beans?

Green beans should be cooked for about 10 minutes. This means boiling them until they become tender while retaining some bite. The ideal method is steaming them first, then pan-frying them for 2 minutes per side.

Or, place them in a large pot filled with salted water, bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and let simmer for 7 to 8 minutes. Drain well.

2. What can I add to string beans for flavor?

Adding salt and pepper helps enhance the taste of string beans. Other ways include adding garlic powder, onion powder, hot sauce, and lemon juice. Another way is by using canned tomatoes instead of fresh ones.

3. How do you quick cook green beans?

To cook green beans quickly, boil them for 2 minutes in a pot of boiling water. You can also use microwaves for cooking green beans rapidly. The microwave allows you to cut down cooking times significantly, from about 20 minutes to just seconds.

4. Can dog eat green beans?

Yes, they can! Green bean salad is a healthy side dish for all animals, including cats and dogs. They should be fine if they do not choke on them.

However, some dogs might find green beans too crunchy and prefer softer vegetables like carrots. If you want to feed green beans to your dog, make sure they are fresh and cook them thoroughly first.

5. How do you prepare string beans for eating?

Remove all strings from the bean and boil them until they are tender. Then you just need to salt and serve.

6. What seasoning is good on green beans?

Green bean seasonings include salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, cumin, brown sugar, chili peppers, lime juice, lemon juice, vinegar, parsley, thyme, oregano, basil, bay leaves, and rosemary.

7. How long do I boil beans?

Beans should be boiled until soft. If they are too hard, then they won’t cook properly.

8. How do you cook green beans from a can?

To make green beans from a can, drain them well and rinse them under cold running water for about 10 minutes. Next, place them in a pot filled with salted water and boil until tender, about 8-10 minutes. Drain again and serve immediately with butter and salt.

9. How long do you blanch green beans?

Green bean blanching times vary depending on how new they are and what kind of beans they are. The longer you leave them uncooked, the darker they become. If you want to cook them quickly, bring them to a boil for 2 minutes.

10. How long do microwave green beans?

Microwave green beans should be cooked for about 4 minutes at medium heat. However, they should always be checked after 2 minutes to ensure doneness. Once cooked, let them cool down completely before storing them in a sealed or resealable bag. Microwaving green beans destroys vitamin C and makes them taste bitter.


We hope you’ve enjoyed our article and can learn about the recipe. Air fryer string beans are easy to make and taste great. If you have an air fryer, give this recipe a try. By reading our other articles, you can also try different recipes using an air fryer. Also If you like Indian recipes, click here to learn 10 air fryer indian recipes.

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