How To Heat Oil To 350 Without Thermometer

Author: Jenny J Brown
January 31, 2023

When you make fried food, you risk the chance of it coming out greasy or soggy. But that can be avoided if you fry your meal properly.

If you use the right oil your food will come out light and crisp. Temperature makes a huge difference.

When you fry your food and the oil is too cool, the food won’t come out right, meaning your efforts have failed.

Ideally most kitchens would have a thermometer to measure the heat. But what happens if you don’t have a thermometer?

In this article, we will show you easy ways to tell that your oil is hot enough for frying.

How to Test Your Oil Without a Thermometer

There are several ways you can test your oil temperature. Here are some of the best and easiest methods:

Kernel Method

The first way to test your oil is with popcorn. The kernel of popcorn pops between 350 and 400 degree F. So, throw some kernel into the oil and see if it pops.

If it pops, your oil is hot enough. However, using this method is less appealing as it can lead to splattering of oil on the floor and on your body. So it is better to use a lid to cover the pan. Also, in some cases, the corn may not pop, so it is better to toss in about three or four kernels and remove the rest.

Wooden Chopstick Method 

Insert a wooden spoon or the handle of a wooden chopsticks into the oil if you observe how it bubbles. If you find a steady bubble form around the wood, then the oil is hot enough.

If it bubbles vigorously, then the oil is too hot. But there are few bubbles, so the oil is not hot enough.

White Bread Method

The white bread method requires you to drop a 1-inch square of bread into the oil. Normally, a cube of white bread fries at 350 to 360 degree F and takes about one minute to brown.

For a cotton or stale bread, it will take half that time to brown as they contain less moisture.

So, If it takes 60 seconds to brown, then the oil is at 365°F. Also, if the oil around the bread doesn’t bubble, the oil is not ready.

Master Cooking Tips

To get perfect results when cooling, follow these temperature tips:

  1. Don’t crowd the pan with food. Instead of frying large quantities of food, cook in batches.
  2. Including cold food into a frying oil drastically reduces the oil temperature, which windows all your effort.
  3. In the absence of a deep fryer, use a narrow pot. Little surface area gives Lea room for oil to be exposed to air, which causes it to oxidize and break down fast. It’s also a reason why you shouldn’t overcrowd your pan.
  4. Dry your food before frying to avoid splits and spatters which can cause injury. It also forms steam on the surface of your food and inhibits browning. This further makes it difficult to get the right crisps and texture.
  5. Drain dried food on brown paper or brown paper rather than paper towel or kitchen towel. Towels have high steam retaining ability which makes food soggy when placed on it.

Wrap Up!

Another oil testing option is with onion. Though this method is popular, it is not accurate. You can also determine the hotness of your oil with your oils. Yes, I’ve done it before.

If any of the above methods doesn’t seem to work for you, then use a thermometer. And always remember that safety is priority, especially in the kitchen.

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