How to Cook Chicken Tenders in an Air Fryer Perfectly

Author: Chester P. Rector
February 11, 2023

Chicken tenders are a popular snack or meal choice for many people, and for a good reason – they’re tasty, versatile, and easy to cook. And when it comes to cooking chicken tenders, an air fryer is a great choice. Not only do air fryers cook chicken tenders faster than a traditional oven, they also use less oil, making them a healthier option.

But when it comes to cooking chicken tenders in an air fryer, it’s important to ensure they are cooked to the proper temperature to ensure they are safe to eat and taste their best. According to the USDA, the safe internal temperature for cooked chicken is 165°F (74°C). To accurately check the internal temperature of your chicken tenders, it’s recommended to use a meat thermometer.

How to Cook Chicken Tenders in an Air Fryer Perfectly
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There are a number of factors that can influence the cooking time and temperature for chicken tenders in an air fryer. These include the size and thickness of the chicken tenders, the type of air fryer being used (e.g. traditional air fryer vs. air fryer toaster oven), the desired level of doneness (e.g. juicy vs. crispy), any additional coatings or seasonings applied to the chicken tenders, and the presence of other ingredients or dishes being cooked in the air fryer at the same time.

To help you achieve perfectly cooked chicken tenders every time, here are some recommended cooking times and temperatures for chicken tenders in an air fryer:

  • Unbreaded chicken tenders: 375°F (190°C) for 8-12 minutes, depending on the size and thickness of the tenders. Flip the tenders halfway through cooking to ensure even cooking.
  • Breaded chicken tenders: 400°F (200°C) for 10-14 minutes, depending on the size and thickness of the tenders. Flip the tenders halfway through cooking to ensure even cooking.
  • Chicken tenders with a coating of your choice (such as panko breadcrumbs or parmesan cheese): 375°F (190°C) for 8-12 minutes, depending on the size and thickness of the tenders. Flip the tenders halfway through cooking to ensure even cooking.

It’s important to note that these cooking times and temperatures are just a guide, and you may need to adjust them based on your specific air fryer and the level of doneness you desire. It’s also a good idea to check the internal temperature of your chicken tenders frequently to ensure they are cooked to the safe temperature of 165°F (74°C).

In addition to the cooking times and temperatures, here are some additional tips and considerations for cooking chicken tenders in an air fryer:

  • Preheat your air fryer before cooking the chicken tenders. This will help them cook more evenly and achieve a better texture.
  • Use a non-stick cooking spray or oil to prevent the chicken tenders from sticking to the basket or tray
  • Shake the basket or flip the chicken tenders halfway through cooking to ensure even cooking. This will help the chicken tenders cook more evenly and achieve a better texture.
  • If you’re cooking multiple batches of chicken tenders, be sure to allow the air fryer to cool down between batches to ensure the next batch cooks properly.
  • If you’re cooking other ingredients or dishes in the air fryer at the same time as the chicken tenders, be sure to adjust the cooking time and temperature accordingly to ensure everything is cooked to perfection.

Wrap Up! 

Cooking chicken tenders to perfection in an air fryer requires paying attention to the safe internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) and considering the various factors that can influence the cooking time and temperature. By following the recommended cooking times and temperatures as a guide and using a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken tenders, you can achieve perfectly cooked chicken tenders every time.

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