How Long To Cook Salmon Patties In Air Fryer?

Author: Jenny J Brown
January 6, 2023

Elevating the art of preparing salmon patties to new heights, the air fryer emerges as a kitchen powerhouse, promising a delightful blend of crispiness and succulence. If you’re a seafood enthusiast seeking a healthier and more efficient cooking method, the air fryer offers a compelling solution. The question that beckons attention is, “How long to cook salmon patties in the air fryer?” The allure of this culinary journey lies in harnessing the air fryer’s ability to circulate hot air, ensuring a golden, crunchy exterior while maintaining the moist and flavorful essence within.

In this exploration, we unravel the optimal cooking times and techniques, transforming the humble salmon patty into a savory masterpiece. Get ready to embark on a flavorful adventure where the efficiency of the air fryer meets the delicate taste of salmon, resulting in a quick, convenient, and undeniably delicious culinary experience.

How Long To Cook Salmon Patties In Air Fryer?

Before beginning the process, you will need to preheat your air fryer to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. The frozen salmon burgers should be arranged in a single layer on a cookie sheet, ensuring they are not overcrowded. Salmon burgers should be air-fried for 12 to 13 minutes, flipping the salmon burgers halfway through the cooking time. After the salmon burgers are done, they should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit. Allow the cooked patties to cool before serving.

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How Long To Cook Salmon Patties In Air Fryer? 3

Is It Necessary To Flip Salmon Patties In An Air Fryer?

It is not necessary to flip salmon when cooking it in an air fryer. As a result, ensure that the skin side of the fish is facing down when cooking. The secret to perfecting salmon in the air fryer is to drizzle it with olive oil before it is cooked: that is one of the secrets to making salmon simply delicious in the air fryer. Please don’t skip this step, as it will make the outside of the meat crispy and blackened-like, so do not skip it.

Flipping salmon patties in an air fryer is a recommended step to ensure even cooking and achieve a desirable texture on both sides of the patties. While air fryers are renowned for their ability to circulate hot air efficiently, flipping the patties contributes to uniform browning and crispiness, enhancing the overall culinary experience.

1. Ensuring Even Cooking:
Flipping salmon patties halfway through the cooking process allows both sides to be exposed to the circulating hot air in the air fryer. This even exposure ensures that each side has the opportunity to develop a golden-brown crust, resulting in a more uniform and appealing appearance.

2. Achieving Balanced Texture:
Salmon patties often contain a mix of ingredients that contribute to their overall texture, including breadcrumbs or other binders. Flipping helps distribute the heat evenly, ensuring that both the top and bottom layers of the patties cook consistently. This balance between the exterior’s crispiness and the interior’s tenderness is key to creating a satisfying bite.

3. Enhancing Crispiness:
The act of flipping introduces the opportunity to lightly spray or brush the exposed side of the salmon patties with oil. This additional step can enhance the crispiness of the patties, contributing to a delightful crunch upon each bite. The oil facilitates the Maillard reaction, a chemical process that enhances the browning and flavor development.

4. Monitoring and Adjusting:
Flipping also provides an opportunity to monitor the cooking progress of the salmon patties. Individual air fryers may have variations in heat distribution, and factors like patty thickness can influence cooking times. By flipping, you gain insight into how each side is developing and can adjust the remaining cooking time accordingly to prevent overcooking.

5. Consistency in Presentation:
From a visual standpoint, flipping ensures a consistent and aesthetically pleasing appearance for the finished salmon patties. Both sides are presented with an opportunity to showcase a golden hue, making the dish more inviting and appetizing.

While flipping salmon patties is generally advisable, it’s essential to do so gently to avoid any breakage. Use a spatula or tongs to carefully turn the patties without disrupting their shape. The specific cooking time for each side may vary based on factors such as patty thickness and air fryer model, so it’s crucial to stay vigilant and adjust as needed.

In conclusion, flipping salmon patties in an air fryer is a practical step that contributes to achieving a well-balanced and visually appealing result. This technique ensures even cooking, enhances crispiness, and allows for monitoring and adjustment during the cooking process. By taking the time to flip the patties, you elevate the overall quality of the dish, delivering a delightful fusion of flavors and textures in every bite.

Can Frozen Salmon Patties Be Cooked In An Air Fryer?

Don’t worry–we’ve got you covered on this one, too. And it’s super easy. If you’re making salmon patties from scratch, follow the recipe below and form your salmon into patties. Then, stack the patties, placing a piece of parchment paper between each one. Please place them in a container or Ziploc bag and freeze them. When you’re ready to cook the patties, spray the air fryer basket with cooking oil, then place frozen patties in a basket in an even layer (you may need to work in batches). Cook for 8 minutes at 375°F. Flip the patties over and cook for another 8 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. Enjoy.

How Do I Store Leftover Salmon Patties?

Storing leftover salmon patties properly ensures their freshness and safety for later consumption. The key to preserving both flavor and texture lies in a combination of refrigeration and thoughtful packaging. Once the salmon patties have been cooked and any desired accompaniments have been added, follow these steps for optimal storage:

1. Allow Cooling: Before storing, allow the cooked salmon patties to cool to room temperature. This prevents excess moisture buildup in the storage container, which could lead to sogginess.

2. Refrigeration: Place the salmon patties in an airtight container or wrap them tightly in plastic wrap. Refrigerate promptly, ideally within two hours of cooking, to inhibit bacterial growth. If you’ve added any perishable ingredients, like fresh herbs or vegetables, ensure they are also stored properly.

3. Layer Separation: If stacking multiple patties in a container, separate them with layers of parchment paper or plastic wrap. This prevents them from sticking together and maintains the integrity of their crispy exterior.

4. Labeling and Dating: To keep track of freshness, label the storage container with the date of preparation. This helps you monitor how long the salmon patties have been stored and decide on their edibility.

5. Avoid Freezing if Possible: While salmon patties can be frozen, it’s worth noting that freezing can compromise their texture, particularly their crispiness. If freezing is necessary, ensure the patties are adequately cooled, then wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or foil before placing them in a freezer-safe container.

6. Reheating Considerations: When ready to enjoy the leftovers, reheating is best done in an oven or toaster oven to help restore some of the original crispiness. However, if using a microwave, be aware that it may result in a softer texture.

7. Storage Duration: Leftover salmon patties can typically be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. If you’ve frozen them, consume them within 1-2 months for the best quality.

Remember, proper storage not only preserves the flavor and texture of your salmon patties but also minimizes the risk of foodborne illnesses. Always trust your senses—discard any patties that show signs of spoilage, such as an off odor or unusual color. By adhering to these storage guidelines, you can maximize the enjoyment of your leftover salmon patties, ensuring they remain a delicious and convenient option for future meals.

How Do I Reheat Leftover Salmon Patties?

If you have leftover salmon patties that you’d like to reheat, fear not—it’s easier than you think. All you need is an air fryer and a few minutes; they’ll be as good as new. To reheat refrigerated salmon cakes, remove them from their container and place them in the preheated air fryer. Cook at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 3-5 minutes or until heated thoroughly.

Our whole family enjoys this recipe, and the neighbors do, too. This is a delicious and simple air fryer appetizer you can make in minutes, and it’s a great choice for game day or a dinner party; even better, this particular reheating method allows all of that wonderful flavor to remain intact. You don’t have to worry about losing any flavor with this one.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long do I cook salmon patties in the air fryer?

The recommended cooking time for salmon patties in the air fryer is typically around 10 to 15 minutes at a temperature of 375°F (190°C). However, cooking times may vary based on the size and thickness of the patties and the specific air fryer model.

Can I cook frozen salmon patties in the air fryer?

Yes, you can cook frozen salmon patties in the air fryer. The cooking time for frozen patties may be slightly longer than that for fresh ones. Start with a base time of 15-20 minutes and adjust as needed for your desired level of crispiness.

Should I preheat the air fryer before cooking salmon patties?

It’s generally recommended to preheat the air fryer for a few minutes before cooking salmon patties. Preheating helps ensure even cooking and contributes to achieving a crispy exterior.

Can I use oil when air-frying salmon patties for added flavor?

Yes, you can lightly brush or spray salmon patties with oil before air frying to enhance flavor and promote a crispy texture. Use a heart-healthy oil like olive oil for added richness.

How do I know when salmon patties are done in the air fryer?

Salmon patties are done when they reach an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C). Additionally, look for a golden-brown color on the outside, and the patties should be firm to the touch. Use a meat thermometer to ensure they are thoroughly cooked and safe to eat.


The air fryer proves to be a culinary gem for crafting perfectly cooked and irresistibly crispy salmon patties. The journey to discover how long to cook these savory delights in the air fryer unravels as a harmonious blend of efficiency and taste. The precise cooking times, often ranging from 10 to 15 minutes, ensure that the salmon patties emerge with a golden exterior and a moist, flavorful interior. The air fryer’s ability to circulate hot air creates a delightful crispiness without the need for excessive oil, contributing to a healthier and more convenient cooking experience. As you savor the results, relish in the fact that achieving the ideal texture and taste of air-fried salmon patties is just a few minutes away, making it a delightful addition to your repertoire of quick and delicious meals.

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